Dicey Towers is a tower-defence game with an interesting twist. The towers at your disposal are determined by the roll of 3 dice.  However, the available towers are not completely beyond your control as you can change the towers on your dice.


  1. Shop
  2. In the shop, you can buy new towers for your dice or reroll the available selection of towers. A tower costs 3 Gold and a reroll costs 1 Gold.

  3. Dice Customization
  4. Select one of the 3 dice to alter the towers on, you can then simply click on towers obtained in the shop and on the dice to change them around.

  5. Tower rolling
  6. Here the dice are automatically rolled once for free, the resulting 3 towers are the ones you can later place. You can save a tower by clicking on it.You can spend 2 Gold to reroll the remaining dice.

  7. Tower placement
  8. Here you can freely place the towers you rolled. You can place a tower by first selecting it in the tower on the top and then clicking somewhere on the map to place it.

  9. Fight
  10. Here you can simply watch and see how your choices turn out.

The game follows these phases over and over again.


MrDracodi - Programming

CheesyCompanion - Programming

Caysion - Game Design

Background art was done by one of us but they do not want to be associated with it. Funny because the other two devs liked the background

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